So I finally found a reason good enough to convince myself to start another “blog”.
Last time, my primary motivation was to force myself to write and improve my writing skills.
Not sure how much I managed to improve skill-wise, but I’ve certainly rediscovered that forcing myself to do anything is not a bright idea.
This time, however, the motivation is quite different and is one that I very much enjoy. It is to own a platform where I would primarily post my photos and occasionally rant or praise various things I come across during my day job as a software developer.
As a bonus, I’ll also get to stay aligned with the own your data principle, which, for someone who, to put it lightly, does not appreciate centralized big-tech social media platforms, is almost a must-have.
Long story short, things are looking promising. I’ll occasionally post some of my previous photos here just to provide more context.
One thing I can tell for certain is that from this point on, this “blog” will be considered my primary medium for sharing photos and other long-format posts.
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