
  • A Week In Italy – November 2024

    Last year, at the end of November, we decided to celebrate my wife’s birthday in Italy. Just the two of us, without kids.

    This was actually our second visit to the country, and going back to the same places, Rome and Florence.

    The reason is that on our previous trip, despite the fact that we had only walked from one place to another so we could soak up as much of the local atmosphere and culture, we felt that we barely scratched the surface (obviously).

    Following our urge to experience random discoveries, we would easily cover anywhere from 10 to 15 kilometers on foot every single day, and manage to close the remaining gaps from our previous trip.

    Ironically, I got robbed by very skilled pickpockets on the one occasion when we decided to use the metro 😅.

    That incident, of course, did not taint our overall impressions, and I can truly say that I once again fell in love with the country, the wonderful people, and the Italian culture.

    Here are some of the photos from the trip that I managed to process due to my busy daily schedule.

  • Take Two At Owning and Maintaining a Personal Site

    So I finally found a reason good enough to convince myself to start another “blog”.

    Last time, my primary motivation was to force myself to write and improve my writing skills.

    Not sure how much I managed to improve skill-wise, but I’ve certainly rediscovered that forcing myself to do anything is not a bright idea.

    This time, however, the motivation is quite different and is one that I very much enjoy. It is to own a platform where I would primarily post my photos and occasionally rant or praise various things I come across during my day job as a software developer.

    As a bonus, I’ll also get to stay aligned with the own your data principle, which, for someone who, to put it lightly, does not appreciate centralized big-tech social media platforms, is almost a must-have.

    Long story short, things are looking promising. I’ll occasionally post some of my previous photos here just to provide more context.

    One thing I can tell for certain is that from this point on, this “blog” will be considered my primary medium for sharing photos and other long-format posts.
